Monday, May 14, 2012

Goals...and other lofty expectations

Goals....nasty little boogers and it's time I set some

1). Buy a scale - Doneskis....stepped on it already and lordy....that's where we get the 293 pounds number.
    Evil little white box and I are not going to be besties till I get moving on the losing pounds

2). Measurements- going to try and do this tomorrow...more numbers that I won't like, but must get started on

3). Workouts- I will work out 4 times a week. Now if any of your are R.N.'s you understand how hard this
     can be when you're dead tired after working 12 hour shifts. Therefore, I figure I need to work
     out before I go to work. Once again, this is one hell of a goal

4). I will not diet- Now let me qualify this goal by saying I don't want to diet. I want to make a life change. I
     don't need a fad diet to lose weight, I need to completely change my entire way of thinking about food.
So four major goals....huge goals for me

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