Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bagels...doughy loveliness

I am a huge breakfast fan, I seriously can eat it any time of the day. And bagels...le sigh, they make my heart pitter patter. Plus, as a nurse, I am looking for anything that can fit into my hand and munch on while I head into work. What better than a bagel? A lovely little round concoction of dough and yumminess.Now, bagels are definitely on the DO NOT EAT list for my new mind, new body thing I've got going on. I've been trying to lay off the mainlining coffee and carbs " breakfast of champions "thing I've developed as a new nurse and have begun doing protein shakes mixed with fruit.

Ohhhh but I succumbed today. I live right across the street from a Starbucks and "tina the barista" knows me as her favorite little coffee addict. I pounded back that coffee and bagel like it was my last meal and did not sit well with me. Either my body is finally starting to rebel against all things dairy (traitor!!) or my body just wants healthier stuff to eat....

Sigh fruit and protein for me

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