Sunday, May 20, 2012

The War with Cravings

I have a serious sweet tooth....hell I could mainline chocolate if I could. So let's just say this doesn't jive with the idea of getting thinner. However, I have discovered a new way to get some chocolate in the old mouth while still staying relatively healthy.
  1. Turn on stove to low-medium heat and put on a small saucepan. Add 1/4 cup of whole milk 
  2. Add a handful of semi sweet Nestle chocolate chips 
  3. stir constantly until smooth consistency
  4. Add quarter cut strawberry pieces to chocolate mix.
  5. Viola! chocolate covered strawberries
This totally made my night, since I was able to have some fruit and the chocolate was just a light coating. YUM!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bagels...doughy loveliness

I am a huge breakfast fan, I seriously can eat it any time of the day. And bagels...le sigh, they make my heart pitter patter. Plus, as a nurse, I am looking for anything that can fit into my hand and munch on while I head into work. What better than a bagel? A lovely little round concoction of dough and yumminess.Now, bagels are definitely on the DO NOT EAT list for my new mind, new body thing I've got going on. I've been trying to lay off the mainlining coffee and carbs " breakfast of champions "thing I've developed as a new nurse and have begun doing protein shakes mixed with fruit.

Ohhhh but I succumbed today. I live right across the street from a Starbucks and "tina the barista" knows me as her favorite little coffee addict. I pounded back that coffee and bagel like it was my last meal and did not sit well with me. Either my body is finally starting to rebel against all things dairy (traitor!!) or my body just wants healthier stuff to eat....

Sigh fruit and protein for me

Monday, May 14, 2012

Goals...and other lofty expectations

Goals....nasty little boogers and it's time I set some

1). Buy a scale - Doneskis....stepped on it already and lordy....that's where we get the 293 pounds number.
    Evil little white box and I are not going to be besties till I get moving on the losing pounds

2). Measurements- going to try and do this tomorrow...more numbers that I won't like, but must get started on

3). Workouts- I will work out 4 times a week. Now if any of your are R.N.'s you understand how hard this
     can be when you're dead tired after working 12 hour shifts. Therefore, I figure I need to work
     out before I go to work. Once again, this is one hell of a goal

4). I will not diet- Now let me qualify this goal by saying I don't want to diet. I want to make a life change. I
     don't need a fad diet to lose weight, I need to completely change my entire way of thinking about food.
So four major goals....huge goals for me

I am the Fat Girl Gone Rogue

I am the Fat Girl.....well, Fat Girl on a journey. I started this blog because I needed an outlet, and honestly, a way to connect to other women who may feel like I do.

I feel trapped in my body, constantly making excuses for why I am the way I am. I have spent my whole life doing this. Has anyone else felt like they're making excuses for their weight? ...Traumatic life events, stress at work, crazy home life...I have used everyone of these. Well no more ladies!!!!

It's time to start this therapy session with a bang, so here it goes....

I am a 27 year old R.N., has a wonderful boyfriend, a crazy ass dog...and I weigh 293 pounds. THERE. I've said it and now I plan on doing something about it. I'm going to chronicle my whole crazy journey from start to finish on this blog and you are coming with me. I want to get healthier so I can feel better about myself and take back control of the one part of my life I should have control over.

So let's begin ladies and gents....